Taking advantage of yet another beautiful, warm day Ms. Nicole invited us to the beach for fun in the sun and a picnic.
It was a beautiful and errr, adventurous (wink, wink!) day.
Thank goodness for Indian summers!

Over the Christmas break Walker invited us to the zoo! We were happy to come along. It was a beautiful day and the boys had a blast together.
First up, feeding the giraffes. This was the first time either boys had done it and I think they both really loved it.

Griffin's favorite part of the day: grooming the goats. (Who knew?!)

I just love this picture. "Where are you going? Come back, goat! I'm just trying to brush you!!"

Look at these best buds!!
(They're going to kill us when we try to put these in the yearbook their senior year!)
Thanks for inviting us, Ms. Fifi!!
We rang in the (early) New Year at David & Nicole's house with Emma and Griffin. The kids had fun playing with the clackers and wearing their New Year's hats. Griffin's favorite had to be the poppers, though. Thanks Nic, or as Griffin like to call her, "Ms. Cole"!
The kiddos "cheers-ing"!
Happy New Year!!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know it's been a while. Now that school is back in and things are finally getting back to normal I've got some time to update the blog. I have A LOT to post so keep checking in!
Merry Christmas Bloggers! Here are a few pictures that encapsulates our Christmas Day 2008.
Setting out cookies for Santa the night before:

The first time in the truck...I think he was a little shell-shocked!

But he quickly got over it in the ride to Nanny's! Every Christmas morning we all head over there in our pajamas.

Griffin's 2nd favorite gift. The best part? Nanny agreed to keep it at HER house!

Lunch at Nana's

I didn't get pictures of the rest of the day. What you're missing is a quick ER visit for cousin Georgia, a tantrum from Griffin and a good bit more fun ;) It was a great day but 5 Christmases is enough to last us until next year, I think.
Copyright 2008 * Jennifer Blount * All Rights Reserved