Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mini vacation!

Since we're in the middle of opening the business we decided to have just a mini vacation this summer with family. Our first stop was Universal Studios! We rode Shrek and ET (not favorites with Griffin or Grayson!) Played in a huge room filled with foam balls (the highlight of the trip I think!)

Met the Grinch and Elmo, went to Margaritiville!
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Next up was Sea World where we saw Shamu. Griffin's reaction to the enormous killer whale was hilarious. "He's BEYOOOTIFUL!" So beautiful that we had to take one home.

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The boys really enjoyed all the aquariums but especially loved the shark aquarium where we got to eat lunch. Griffin's food came with a shark gummy that he absolutely loved. (So much for nutrition!)

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All in all our vacation was a blast (if not a little short!)

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