Happy Birthday Princess Katelyn Amelia!!

We arrived at Princess Kate's to find the most beautiful castle in all the land. King John did an amazing job building it for his Princess. Some VERY special visitors stopped in to see the Princess and her friends.

Griffin got to make his very own sparkling jeweled crown.
I don't think he took it off for the rest of the party!
Hunting for Dragon eggs!
Princess Kate dancing with her King John.
A most beautiful cake made by Queen Deanna and Phoebe and Sarah, you guys did an incredible (and tasty) job!
Now for the big moment: Kate got a car fit for a princess!
She was kind enough to let her friends ride and drive in it. What a sweet and thoughtful Princess!

Thank you so much for letting us be a part of all of your birthday celebrations! I love watching Griffin and Kate play and roughhouse then turn around and be sweet to one another, they really are two peas in a pod. I can't wait to share many more birthdays together. (And who knows, maybe in 13 years Griffin and Kate will be driving off for the first time together for real!)