First they stuffed the bear:
Friday, August 29, 2008
Build-A-Bear Workshop
First they stuffed the bear:
Monday, August 25, 2008
The best part...beaters! Griffin was too enamored with his own to even notice that Aunt Erica had taken the other!
Can't forget the sprinkles!
There's not much more on this Earth Griffin loves more than cupcakes. Thanks Nanny!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A break from our regularly scheduled Griffin posts...
Today marked the end of our first week open at Classic Cleaners. Between learning the ropes of a new business to tropical storm Fay what a week it was! We marked the special day (and our survival!) with an important ceremony. Our preacher Paul and his wife Carol came in to bless the business and building. This was important to Jonathon and I because we know none of what has been possible has been so without God. We want to glorify His name in everything we do and our business is no exception.
Brother Paul led us in prayer and then anointed our front doors with oil. He even had Griffin help with the oil! I so wanted to take a picture of Griffin kneeling with Brother Paul but thought whipping out a camera during a religious ceremony was a tad inappropriate. I'll try to capture the little fingerprint-smudged cross on the door tomorrow for you guys to see.
We had told Griffin ahead of time that we were going to be saying prayers and having to be quiet and that if he could listen and stay still and fairly silent there was candy to be had. He did fabulous and before Brother Paul could get that last "amen" out, Griffin knew it was coming and squealed "Candy!!"
Lastly we just want to thank all of our friends for their continued love, support, and PRAYERS. We could not have done it without you guys.
And now, the progression of Classic Cleaners!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Fay is on her way!
With Fay quickly approaching and Day 2 of being cooped up in the house we had to find something to do. Fort Day it is! Aunt Erica even came over to play with us to help combat the boredom.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
In preparation for the GA Football Season...
At 3 and 4 months old:
10 months old and then his 1st birthday getting a stuffed Hairy Dawg (that sleeps with him still!)
2 years old with a Bulldog Birthday party!

Friday, August 15, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Back to School!
Best buddies heading off to their 2nd year of school together.
Griffin & Ms. Shawna
The picture on the left is of Griffin on his first day of school last year. The right, today. Where has my baby gone?! Sniff, sniff.
Monday, August 11, 2008
We made a pit stop at our favorite, Chick-fil-A and played a little there but all the kids wanted to head back to "Pwaytime Toddwer" as Griffin calls it, so off we went for some more fun.