Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall is most definitely upon us with St. Mary's Annual Hay Days. Costumed and lathered in cactus juice all of us got together for the Scarecrow Stroll.

Griffin can't understand why he can't wear his costume ALL THE TIME. When he gets up in the morning "Can I put it on?" When he gets out of the bath, "Please?" After his nap, "What about now?!" This kid is nothing if not persistent!

Some of our favorite scarecrows...


Griffin wanted his face painted something fierce. I was unsure but he begged to get it and to his credit it only took 5 minutes for him to rub it off instead of 2! It was worth it, he was so proud.

The little ones had a good time people watching and getting rare bits of candy!

What a sweet little monkey.

Practicing for the real thing:

We don't know what to do with these two sometimes! Look at those faces, if they don't scream "MISCHEVIOUS!" I don't know what does.

More candy!!

The kids had such a fun time but with the bugs getting worse and sky turning dark it was time to head home. We are so thankful to have you guys as friends and partners in crime.

Happy Hay Days!

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