Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Believe it or not I got NO PICTURES of the actual Thanksgiving meal at Mimi's! We were all too busy stuffing our faces to stop and pose. I did get a handful of the boys at the golf course. (Or as the boys like to think of it "Mimi's backyard")

Griffin could not wait to finally try out his new Spiderman clubs. Between work, the time change and the weather this was the first time he got to use his birthday present! Excitement would be an understatement.

This lesson lasted all of 2.5 seconds before "I CAN DO IT" was yelled over and over until Daddy got out of the way. I have a feeling we'll have many more pictures like this in the future--with the same end result, of course.

Next stop was Nana's house to visit with the rest of the family. Holidays can be very busy for us and involve A LOT of running around due to all of our family being here in town. I try to think of it as "If the only thing I have to stress about is to make it around to see all the family--we're pretty lucky!" (Remind me that in about a month or so, ok?)

4 Generations!

The happy couple who travelled all the way from VA to be here with us. We are more than thankful that you made it.

I'm sure you guys wonder where I get my picture taking craziness from. Well--here you go. We are picture taking fiends on the Fewox side. Have camera, will cheese.

Uncle Chuck obviously does not appreciate the serious business of taking pictures. I was looking through the snapshots and thought his face in this was HILARIOUS. He snuck in the picture, none of us had any idea he was lurking back there.

We're thinking about getting Andrew some Tinkertoys for Christmas ;)

Aunt Pam surprised Griffin with a special present in preparation of Christmas.

A pirate ship ornament!! Griffin was SO excited!

Thank you Aunt Pam!

By then the tryptophan had started to kick in so we all headed home.

Taking a rest before it was time to put up the Christmas tree...

but that's another post altogether!

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