(Last) Tuesday was the White Lighting Ceremony in Downtown St. Marys. I've been going to this event for as long as I can remember and I was so very excited to finally take Griffin.
Beginning at dusk at processional starts on Osbourne Street and heads towards the waterfront. Mr. and Mrs. Claus lead the parade with carollers, dancers and walkers strolling to the music and cheers of the passers by. As Santa rides by the Christmas lights in the trees turn on and finally when he reaches the waterfront a 60 foot tree is lit. The Mayor welcomes in the Holiday Season and more entertainment begins on the stage. Santa and Mrs. Santa listen to the Christmas wishes of the boys and girls. It is a truly magical experience.
Griffin and his sweet Emma

Waiting on Santa!

Ashley all bundled up with Brycie, I didn't get a snap of Ava. She always seems to be too busy for me to get her!

Still waiting!




We followed behind him watching the dancers perform selections from The Nutcracker Suite.

I thought this was the silliest picture but Walker has on the sweetest face so I had to post it. What a little cherub!

Daddy made it too! It's so nice to have Jonathon be able to make these special moments.

On the way back to the car...

Merry Christmas St. Marys!!
I love the family picture at the end!!!! What great smiles you guys have! :)
I miss this parade. Can you believe Savannah doesn't do anything like this. At least nothing this good. Were there any little girls dancing behind the sleigh???
There were little girls dancing Candy Canes and Flowers freezing their tails off like we did!
It's crazy that Savannah doesn't have something similar. How's the pregnancy going? I demand belly pictures!!
WOW...the blount family is just to cute...love the family pic!!!
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