Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

After the turkey has been eaten and naps have (hopefully!) been had it's time for us to start our Christmas decorating.

Griffin gets to put the first ornament on the tree. He chose his pirate ornament.

It was time for a quick bath and back to decorating...

Griffin needed help to get up high.

Merry Christmas!

Griffin had been so excited to decorate for Christmas that we decided it was time for his very own tree.

We were able to find some of his favorite characters as ornaments--Diego, Disney Cars, sports balls and Charlie Brown.

And he HAD to have a star at the top.

That night before bed we told Griffin that we couldn't keep the Christmas lights on all night because they'd get too hot. We let him know that as soon as he got up we'd turn them back on.

That little stinker woke up at 2:30 in the morning demanding us to turn them back on!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Believe it or not I got NO PICTURES of the actual Thanksgiving meal at Mimi's! We were all too busy stuffing our faces to stop and pose. I did get a handful of the boys at the golf course. (Or as the boys like to think of it "Mimi's backyard")

Griffin could not wait to finally try out his new Spiderman clubs. Between work, the time change and the weather this was the first time he got to use his birthday present! Excitement would be an understatement.

This lesson lasted all of 2.5 seconds before "I CAN DO IT" was yelled over and over until Daddy got out of the way. I have a feeling we'll have many more pictures like this in the future--with the same end result, of course.

Next stop was Nana's house to visit with the rest of the family. Holidays can be very busy for us and involve A LOT of running around due to all of our family being here in town. I try to think of it as "If the only thing I have to stress about is to make it around to see all the family--we're pretty lucky!" (Remind me that in about a month or so, ok?)

4 Generations!

The happy couple who travelled all the way from VA to be here with us. We are more than thankful that you made it.

I'm sure you guys wonder where I get my picture taking craziness from. Well--here you go. We are picture taking fiends on the Fewox side. Have camera, will cheese.

Uncle Chuck obviously does not appreciate the serious business of taking pictures. I was looking through the snapshots and thought his face in this was HILARIOUS. He snuck in the picture, none of us had any idea he was lurking back there.

We're thinking about getting Andrew some Tinkertoys for Christmas ;)

Aunt Pam surprised Griffin with a special present in preparation of Christmas.

A pirate ship ornament!! Griffin was SO excited!

Thank you Aunt Pam!

By then the tryptophan had started to kick in so we all headed home.

Taking a rest before it was time to put up the Christmas tree...

but that's another post altogether!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving playdates and parties!

On Monday we had our playgroup's Thanksgiving playdate. Griffin and Walker had school so we missed a lot of the "play" but got to enjoy the yummy food!

Happy kiddos! Ava was only up for 10 minutes or so before it was naptime so I didn't get any shots of her! Brycie was the wildchild who didn't sleep for once! I will say shortly after this picture was taken she went down for a nap and somehow slept through the crazy racket below:

These last two are actually pictures from Deanna's blog but I loved them so much I couldn't resist posting them!
This is my life summed up in one picture :) Thank you so much for catching this moment Deanna, it's one of my favorite pictures ever of me and Griffin.

Tuesday BBMS had it's Thanksgiving feast. Griffin was excited to show off his pine cone turkey centerpiece.

Two little turkeys :)

Some of Griff's classmates. They refused to sit still so I got about 10 blurry shots!

The turkey lost an eye in all the jumping.

Next up? Actual Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Busy weekend!

Friday night we took Griffin to a Camden County Wildcats game.

It was COLD but Griffin loved getting to put on his mittens (mitts) and his hat. The boy loves his accessories! He had on three layers.

He didn't have that great of a time at the actual game, he was pretty tired but there was one bright spot. The last time Griffin was at a football game it was in Athens to see the GA Bulldogs play. Griffin is a HUGE Bulldog fan and right before Wildcat game started the crowd had quieted down Griffin yelled "GO BULLDOGS!!" Everyone in the stands burst out laughing, it was pretty funny.

Griffin trying to make the #1 sign but failing due to his mittens :)


On Saturday we ran down to the Town Center to check out the new Toys R Us and get some ideas on what we could ask Santa for. We left thinking what couldn't we ask him for?! Griffin wanted it ALL but had a special place in his heart for the Power Wheels.

We stopped by Pottery Barn Kids to admire all the gorgeous furniture when Griffin happened upon this drum set. Talk about love at first sight! He had a blast banging away on the drums. The price tag was pretty steep but I'm thinking even if it wasn't Santa would know Mama & Daddy need their sanity!

I don't know about you guys but we're getting pretty antsy for Christmas around here. Griffin can't wait to put up the Christmas tree and asks almost every day if it's time yet. It's easy to forget about Thanksgiving when Christmas music is already on the radio but I'd like to thank all of YOU for reading this blog and being such a special part of our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just a really sweet, quick story.

Jonathon was putting Griffin to bed tonight when he asked him if he wanted a baby brother or sister one day. About 90% of the time Griff says sister and tonight was no exception. Jonathon asked "Will you take care of her, be gentle?" Griffin answered with "Yeah Daddy. I would keep her safe."


(And no I'm not pregnant nor are we trying but with statements like that I feel like not only are we ready--he may be too.)

You got to move it move it!

Ok, so this isn't Griffin's first movie EVER but it is the first one that he's went to with both Mommy and Daddy! Uncle Brent, Grayson, Nanny & Papa akso came along for the ride.

Griffin has loved Madagascar since last Christmas went Santa brought him the movie. When previews started showing up on TV for Madagascar 2 and he would scream "GADAGASCAR!!" we knew we had to take him.

He did pretty well inside as long as he was well stocked with popcorn and drink!

"Bye movies!"

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thursday was Griffin's field trip to Conner's A-maize-ing Acres! Griffin loved the trip so much last year that he talked about it for MONTHS afterwards. Forget Halloween or Christmas he just wanted to go back and see the "punkins". Needless to say I was really excited to take him back again this year. The first trip was cancelled due to weather so when we woke up Thursday morning to cloudy skies I was crossing some fingers!

The skies brightened up and we made it to the cornfield.

Before going in we had to stop with buddy Walker for some jeep time. (Or as Walker calls it "riding a dunebuggy"!) Walker loved the tractor. Shocking I know ;)

Instead of your typical sandbox Conner's had a cornbox! Griffin took off his shoes and dug in.

Next it was time for the hayride!

The kids enjoyed feeding the cows.

Griffin's favorite part of the trip was getting to feed the animals. He was a little apprehensive at first but when we told him that the Donkey was from Shrek he brightened right up and got right to feeding.

"You want me to do what?"

"Oh! It's Donkey? Well then, alright!"


aaaaaaaaand feeding!

Then it was time to visit the horse. I think his size was a little intimdating so we went together while Daddy took pictures.

There was a little play area in the middle of the farm that had ride on toys. I think we could've just went for that and the boys would've spent the whole time playing there, they loved it.

Next was going down the big (DARK!) slide. I was very surprised and proud Griffin ended up going down it. I thought for sure he would get up there and see that it was dark inside and climb right back down. Maybe he does have a little bit of Daddy's adventurous spirit in him!

Griffin's class. This is the best shot we were going to get. You try taking a picture of eight 2/3 year olds yelling at them to "LOOK!! SMILE!" Finally a rousing chorus of "Wheels on the Bus" helped us along. (Thanks Ms. Jenny!)

It's still hard to believe it's been a year since the boys were last there...

Which brings me to my next pictures, Griffin at Conners last year and now this year.

Look at those cheeks!

And finally, the obligatory family picture. How is it that Fall is almost over?

Copyright 2008 * Jennifer Blount * All Rights Reserved