Our daily adventures with a most spirited little boy, Griffin. Won't you join us?
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Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but it still brings boredom, exhaustion, and sorrow too. Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality especially while you struggle to keep your own. -The Mother's Almanac
Just a small town girl living in a lonely world...KIDDING! (Well, not about the small town girl part.)
I'm a happy, BLESSED mama of two who married her high school sweetheart.
I used to have a blog but now have no time to keep it up since I spend all of my time reading everyone else!
Merry Christmas Bloggers! Here are a few pictures that encapsulates our Christmas Day 2008.
Setting out cookies for Santa the night before:
The first time in the truck...I think he was a little shell-shocked!
But he quickly got over it in the ride to Nanny's! Every Christmas morning we all head over there in our pajamas.
Griffin's 2nd favorite gift. The best part? Nanny agreed to keep it at HER house!
Lunch at Nana's
I didn't get pictures of the rest of the day. What you're missing is a quick ER visit for cousin Georgia, a tantrum from Griffin and a good bit more fun ;) It was a great day but 5 Christmases is enough to last us until next year, I think.
Today was the playgroup's Christmas playdate!! We had a Santa visit, a delicious lunch, yummy dessert, and a book exchange! There's A LOT of pictures ahead so I'm not going to caption most of them. A picture speaks a thousand words, right? :)
The reason we started this crazy group in the first place, our precious babies!
Our lovely host Ashley, thanks so much for letting us tear your house up!
Santa came right in and sat down to read a book to the kids. I highly recommend this as it really does let the kids feel so much more comfortable with him.
I got a picture of every one of the kids with Santa except Ava! Sorry Ash!
Lunchtime! There was a big kids table and a little kids line up.
Mrs. Deanna brought along goodies to make candy Christmas trees.
And finally, the whole group together!
I'm so thankful for you ladies and your children. Our days are much brighter and more fun with you in our lives. Merry Christmas!
Have you ever wondered how Santa knows who's naughty or nice? Well, it's because of the Elf on the Shelf! Our very own elf visited last night for the first time and it was magical. I can't wait for the years of fun this little elf is going to bring. (Thanks to another little elf named Ashley for getting it!)
Griffin got out of the bath lastnight to find a little elf in the living room.
We read the story on how the elf got here and what he does. If you are unfamiliar with Elf on the Shelf this is how it works: The elf arrives around the holidays, usually at Thanksgiving. His sole responsibility is to watch a child's behavior and report it to "Santa" each night. The next morning after the child awoke, they discovered the elf had returned from the "North Pole" and was hiding in a different place.
Go visit the really fun interactive Elf on the Shelf website to get coloring sheets cookie recipes and all sorts of other things to do.
Griffin got to visit with Santa this weekend. He's not always been a huge fan of the jolly man in the bright red suit but we've always gotten through it with no tears.
Our local Chick-fil-a is the most family friendly, activity having restaurant in town and we try to take advantage of it as often as we can. Tuesdays are family fun nights and kids eat free! Last Tuesday we headed down there for some fun and good eating.
They had face painting, Griffin got a candy cane.
As did Emma.
Kate wanted Gabe to have a heart. I somehow missed getting a picture of her!
Grayson and Georgia joined us too.
After yummy nuggets and some playtime it was time for caricatures for everyone!